Friday 19 April 2013

Week 13

I had originally hoped to have my book ready to send off for print this Wednesday. However, I had not planned to still be shooting last week and had not accounted for how long editing would take. I had then hoped to have my book ready to send off today, this again has not happened. But I have received a quote for shipping prices and delivery dates from my printers and if I pay and extra £10 postage and packaging charge the I can send my book off on Monday or even Tuesday and get it back even quicker than if I had sent it on Wednesday and paid the cheaper postage. It is more than worth the extra money to be able to spend the weekend making sure that everything is perfect before sending off to print. This last week I have been editing and creating my page layouts.
I saw my tutor for the first time since before the Easter break and showed him my page mock ups so as to get his opinion before I sent it off to print.

The feedback from my tutor was that some of my images were quite weak because of my lack of confidence when shooting, but not having time to re-shoot anything I would need to be more creative with my page layouts and more selective with the imagery. For example the images on the 2 double page spreads below are all very similar and so do not show character development like they should. My tutor suggested I make some changes such as zooming right in and cropping just the character's eyes or only showing half of the character's face really close up to make it more interesting. I loved these ideas and plan on getting straight onto rectifying my mistakes. In a way it is a good thing that I was not ready to send my book off to print on Wednesday otherwise I may not have gained this vital feedback and would not have made the changes that will hopefully make my book more successful.

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