Saturday 13 April 2013

Celia Shoot

Finally it was time to shoot the character of Celia which was supposed to happen on Good Friday but didn't go ahead for a number of reasons. In a way I preferred shooting it now so that I could apply the skills I had learned at the Barbican internship. What I learned there was to work quickly which worked on this shoot as I had 3 looks to do and my model and photographer had work that evening. I also applied the hair techniques I learned at the Barbican, as the story is set in the Victorian era I put into practice influences from the Victorian hairstyle of having it tall at the front and top and pulled back at the sides like their dresses would have been. I also curled the hair to suit the descriptions of the character. I am feeling so much more confident after my run on The Salon Project and as this shoot was supposed to go ahead 2 weeks ago I was more than prepared for it. My model was fantastic. She had amazing skin and bone structure and hardly needed any guidance when it came to posing once she had seen my mood board and I had told her about the character. I am very proud of these images and my makeup skills on this shoot.

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