Tuesday 9 April 2013

Week 12

After my week at the Barbican I have a lot of catching up to do to get myself back on track. I got back to Southampton very late on Monday night after the show had finished and so I missed my FMP tutorial. Tuesday morning I went straight in to Brent's I.T session and remained there all day editing the images I already have and starting on my page layouts. I have my final 2 shoots to do this week, at last. First will be my shoot for the character of Prospero The Enchanter on Wednesday and Thursday I will try once again to shoot the character of Celia. While at the Barbican I worked out that to get my book printed and sent back to me in time for the deadline, I will need to have it completed and sent off by next Wednesday 17th April, which does not leave me very much time to put it all together. Fingers crossed these final shoots go without a glitch.

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